Aid Watch offers free PR advice to prime satire target

As experienced satirists, maybe we can do our part helping Aid CEOs avoid ridicule. For example, if you are the CEO of the (RED) campaign fighting AIDS afflicting the desperately poor in Africa, you might not want to appear in today's FT Power Dressing column (not available online) with quotes like these:

Suit by Gucci There are certain things that I am really particular about with my wardrobe..I like my suits to fit incredibly well; for example, I always have a little cut made of the inside of my trousers at the ankle so they sit better on my shoes....

...My shirts are tailor-made by Turnbull & Asser. Ready-made shirts tend to be too baggy around the waist and then you lose the sharpness of the suit.

Tie by Hermes ...I don't like fussy ties.

Socks by Gap ...if you are going to make the effort to have you suit cut impeccably, why ruin it by having socks that don't match?