The Haiti we don't see

Haiti is not always and all the time earthquakes, hurricanes, deforestation, misery, rape, corruption, kidnappings, poverty, garbage, violence, gangs, wasted aid, cholera, election fraud, dirty water, orphans and amputees.

These pictures, the result of an NGO-funded collaboration between a Canadian photojournalist and 22 Haitian teenagers living in Jacmel and Croix des Bouquets, are a beautiful reminder that Haiti is also babies with chickens, landscapes, going to school, solitude, hair-dos and cookouts. Via Linda Raftree, blogging at Wait...What?

Seeing Haiti through Haitian eyes is something that outsiders rarely get to experience.  The NYT's LENS blog posted photos from a similar workshop with another nonprofit last year,  just a month after the earthquake. They've also highlighted the work of Haitian photographers Daniel Morel and Frederic Dupoux (more photos here).

Almost a year after the earthquake, are there any photographers or journalists you rely on for a balanced picture of the continuing story?